Your DNA is 99.9% the same as everyone else’s.
The teeny, tiny .1% that’s different is your distinct value. It describes the best of how the world sees you, and how you are most likely to rise above and stand out.
It’s your own little zone of genius.
Your most valuable .1%
As much as we like to think that we are all entirely 100% special and unique, we’re not. We’re 99.9% average. And yet, hidden within a vast expanse of genetic monotony, small details have the ability to make us dramatically different. The great news is, you already have this specialty hardwired into your personality.
Your .1% difference reveals how you will be most likely to build a prosperous and fulfilling career.
Instead of trying to “fix” yourself, you can achieve more by just feeding that tiny but extraordinary streak. Don’t change who you are, become more of who you are.
If you’re feeling frustrated by trying to be all things to all people, this is a relief. You can stop trying to be that. Instead of making major changes, you can tweak the parts of your communication that will give you maximum leverage. Find one or two details that distinguish you from other people, and then clearly communicate those details, over and over.
The more that you can identify your .1% difference—your little zone of genius—and apply it in the right places, the more valuable you become.