Whether real or fictional, we have certain expectations when it comes to a famous person’s brand.
Although we may not know them personally, we have a basic understanding of who they are based solely on how they are portrayed in movies and the media.
How does your audience see you? Through what lenses do they see you?
By comparing yourself to the popular conception of well-known personalities, it becomes easier to understand how the world sees you–plus, it’s kind of fun. Are you a Steve Jobs? Or a Lady Gaga? Maybe you’re a Thomas Edison! Let’s find out.
STEP 1: Take the personality test
Take the Fascination Advantage® Assessment to uncover your top 2 Advantages. Already taken the assessment? Great! Move on to Step 2.
STEP 2: Identify your Archetype
Identify your Fascination Archetype using the matrix below. Start by finding your primary Advantage row, then your secondary Advantage column. The interesection will point to your Archetype.
STEP 3: Find your famous counterparts
Find your celebrity counterparts. Once you know your Archetype, you’ll see your celebrity counterparts listed as well.
STEP 4: Make the connection
Your famous counterparts are fascinating for so many reasons. What can you learn from them?