The Fascinate Blog

What’s your Halloween personality?  Are you devilish or angelic? Ghoulish or glamorous? Normally, I show you how to be more authentic. But Halloween is different. For one night, you can...
Fascination is a force that can rule both our thinking and our emotions. It can affect our most careful thoughts, choices or actions. So what does it really mean to...
We’re all learning how to engage with each other in venues and settings we’ve never imagined.  I, for one, think it’s pretty great. Still, it takes some adjustment, awareness, and...
Ummm… Uhhh… That’s what a deadly pause sounds like on the phone. On an important call, stalling or fumbling for words weakens your listener’s impression of your confidence and conviction....
One blazingly hot summer day, I learned a big lesson. My two sons decided to do a lemonade stand. But instead of setting up the usual table on the sidewalk,...
When people are buying your products or services, believe it or not, they’re not necessarily buying that product or service. What they are paying for is a certain type of...
Imagine how much more profitable your business would be if you had a way to “read” your prospective client before you even started to offer your product or services. What...
What if you could “read” other people? What if you could predict how a co-worker would make decisions? What if you could predict what they would do… maybe even before...
When you add value to your listener, you fascinate them. Fascination is an intense focus. And when you fascinate your clients, or your coworkers, they are focused on you and...
I regained consciousness to blinding lights on the operating room table. “You’ve been in a bad accident,” the surgeon said. I don’t remember much after that for several days. A...

Showing 61-70 of 241 results