The Fascinate Blog

Imagine this. You’re in a BIG meeting at work. You speak up to make a point. You clear your voice , and all eyes turn to you. Suddenly you realize…...
Marketing adds fascination to a brand, which in turn adds value. When a brand is fascinating, people will make greater efforts to find it, have higher engagement with it, and...
This article appears in the Monday Morning Manager of The Globe and Mail publication written by Harvey Schachter. Originally posted on June 19th, 2016 Sally Hogshead was working as a...
I’m not a news anchor or politician or therapist. I’m not qualified to report on why this horrific Orlando shooting happened, or what to do about it. I’m just a...
Creativity is a fickle mistress. Especially when creating content. Sometimes, the words flow as fast as the coffee. Other times, well, not so much. It’s easy to create boring content....
Just like how brands have slogans that immediately define their value, your personal brand can also describe itself. What words immediately convey your value? If you’re having some trouble finding...
Ever feel stuck? Too burned out or discouraged to move forward? Ever felt mad at yourself for not making progress, but at the same time, not sure why? Yeah. I...
If you have taken the Fascination Personality Test, you know how you communicate at your highest value. But what sort of results should you be trying to get from your...
You know those moments when you get a piece of news that’s so good it almost takes your breath away? This is one of mine. I just found out it’s...
A thought for you… What could be more fascinating than love and family? We created this video for you, to share and celebrate every kind of mother. If you are...

Showing 161-170 of 241 results