The Fascinate Blog

How long does it take you to delete a spam email? Seconds? Milliseconds? This morning, my inbox pinged with a new message. To my surprise, I’d just inherited a few...
What does your voice say about you? Follow these 3 steps, and you’ll make a more authentic first impression Whether you realize it or not, your voice announces your positive...
How to confidently lead without intimidating your employees and poisoning your workplace. Quick, answer these 4 questions: Do you speak confidently? Are you comfortable being in control? Do you prefer...
Are You at Risk of Becoming the Next Harvey Weinstein? Four Lessons to Keep Your Brain, and Brand in Check. There’s a serious problem with branding, and it’s one that...
In a distracted and competitive world, you must captivate your audience’s attention. Every time you write an email, leave a voicemail, or speak up in a meeting or dinner party,...
In October of last year, 13 million stories were shared with just 2 words… #MeToo. In celebration of International Women’s Day, and Women’s History Month, this is an article I...
Some of the most successful marketing tactics that Tesla used to build its following seemed completely insane at first. Here’s how to apply them to your own brand. Not many...
Neuroscience explains why we’re fascinated with celebrity personalities, and how to use the same approach to grow a following for your brand. Why do we follow the people we admire?...
How can you be your authentic self and stand out in such a competitive world? You may think you need to be louder, brasher, or more outrageous than the next...
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Showing 111-120 of 241 results