Sally Hogshead Topic Results
Do you know a woman who underestimates herself?  A woman who has no idea how amazing she is… whose heart is open to criticism? The world doesn’t know how to...
Think for a minute… What’s your LEAST favorite type of communication? For example, do you dislike networking events? Or speaking in front of a crowd? Or explaining the same exact...
Ever been head-over-heels in love? Yes? Then you know the experience of infatuation. As it turns out, there’s science behind that lovesick feeling. When you fascinate someone, you have their...
The greatest gift you can give is to show someone else their highest value. Up to now, we’ve been looking at you, and your own highest distinct value. Now, let’s...
Do you love Super Bowl commercials as much as I do? I’ve had the delight of being on national TV six times for segments about Super Bowl commercials. Super Bowl...
Imagine this. You’re in a BIG meeting at work. You speak up to make a point. You clear your voice , and all eyes turn to you. Suddenly you realize…...
Fun fact: Santa is the world’s 2nd most recognizable character, right after Mickey Mouse. (Go Santa!) Just for fun, what if we updated Santa’s personal brand for 2020, with a...
We grew up with a myth. The myth says: Work hard to be “better.” Better than everyone else. Better than the other students in our classroom. In your career, be...
You probably already know your most attractive feature… Maybe it’s your warm smile, wavy hair, or that mischievous glint in your eye. You probably already know how to dress in...
Happy almost-Thanksgiving! Want to make your Thanksgiving conversation a little more… fascinating? Here come the 7 Advantages to your rescue. Just for fun, we created this simple guide to spice...

Showing 51-60 of 216 results