12 Instant inspirations for a more fascinating YOU


For your reading pleasure… my hand-picked collection of a dozen instant inspirations. 

Ready… set… go!

12. The greatest value you can add is to become more of yourself.
On some level, we all have a fear of being fascinating. When you rise above the fear, you rise above the fray.

11. You won’t make a difference being quiet or loud. You make a difference by being heard.
No matter what your natural communication style, you must learn how it’s being perceived by others. In order to communicate, you must learn how you communicate.

10. To be more successful, don’t change who you are. Become more of it.
When you live according to your own highest value, you become your most fascinating—and most valuable.

9. Stand out, or don’t bother.
Understand how the world sees you, and you will discover your most valuable differences. Leverage these differences to avoid commoditization.

8. Clients don’t hire you because you’re balanced. They hire you because you’re extraordinary in some way.
You can either be balanced vanilla, or extraordinary pistachio.

7. You’ll never rise to the top by being all things to all people.
If you can’t improve someone’s perception of you, or at the very least maintain it, then reconsider whether you should be engaging them in the first place. Stop exhausting yourself trying to be all things to all people.

6. 100% yourself is greater than 100% perfect.
The more you can amplify your natural Advantages, the more likely you are to be heard and remembered.

5. You don’t learn to be fascinating. You unlearn boring.
Being yourself is not a struggle. In fact, it makes you more relaxed and at ease.

4. You don’t have to find the light. You are the light.
On the day you were born, you already knew how to fascinate. Fascination is an instinctive form of connection.

3. Your personality is the greatest differentiator you have.
People can copy your product, your pricing, your actions, your recipe or program or formula. But they can never replicate who you are.

2. The way to empower someone is to show them their value.
Once someone understands how they naturally add value, they blossom. They become more confident, more persuasive, and more influential.

1. The world is not changed by people who sort of care.
Sort of caring will get you run over by someone who actually does care. Sort of caring is the on-ramp to obsolescence– a road that starts comfortably enough, but soon leads to the lonesomeness of obscurity. The world is changed by people who passionately, relentlessly care– sometimes, unreasonably so.

SHARE YOUR STORY: Which of these is your favorite inspiration from Sally? Let us know in the comments!

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About the author

Sally Hogshead

Sally skyrocketed to the top of the advertising world in her early 20s, fascinating millions of consumers for clients such as MINI Cooper and Coca-Cola. Since then, she’s published two New York Times bestsellers on the science of fascination, and is one of only 172 living members in the Speaker Hall of Fame. Over a million professionals have taken the Fascination Advantage® personality test to discover how others perceive their communication.

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